Saturday, 31 August 2024

August Morning Poem.(Revised)

Late summer morning glory,
Sunlight saturating moist northern air
So that I seem to peer through a billion tiny mirrors
As I look towards you walking in the distance
Beneath the pollarded London Planes.

If I wrote in a language more mystical than I dare
I would write that the world is saturated with God,
So ethereal and brilliant is the August light
As the world tilts slowly towards September.

God is a problematic word
Packed full with meanings that are not spiritual
But are political to the core, as Jesus was
When he spoke of forgiveness on the cross
God is too small a symbol for a creator,
A kiss may be more holy than a treasured hoard of prayers. 

Yes, love is political however we care to view it,
And I know this too well as I watch you walk 
                                                       towards me,
Your eyes full of laughter; your mischievous smile
Transgressive as always, yet kind beyond speaking.
And I am more in love with you than I have ever 
                                                    loved in my life.
Profoundly intuitive your presence illuminates wonder.
God is too small a word to describe the awe I am feeling.

So I stand here watching you slowly walk towards me
Among gardens so rich in colour they seem unreal,
More dream like, and yet, far more substantial
Than miraculous images in a stained glass window. 
This morning seems transformed by a transcendent beauty,
The beauty of truth in love, more radical than faith or art.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
31st. August 2024.

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Night Creates Strange Visions. (A Poem and 2 pictures). Revised.

After dark I am dreaming, even when awake.
Shadows merge with memories
To guide me into a labyrinth of distorted time and space.
I pass through the Looking Glass of my past and present
To glimpse shards of the future, that may be true or false,
Whatever the facts are, they dazzle for a moment,
And then are gone, just like switching off and on the light,
Something I do without a moments thought.
Is it too late to change the trajectory of my life?
Are my dreams just a pack of Tarot Cards
Falling from the hands of a magician
Playing god for all the world to see?
The beauty of moonlight invalidates my thinking.
I close my eyes and enter a darkness of mirrors.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 23rd. August 2024.

Sunday, 4 August 2024

The Story of Two Gardens, Revised. .(A Poem and Two Pictures).

With great care the roses have been pruned and tended
By many careful hands, green fingers
Inherited from centuries of farmers, Wessex folk and Irish,
Who tilled the green spaces between the Druid woods.

Over the ruined fence the wilderness grows tall,
Beautiful but deadly, evolving with the help of human malice,
That strange desire to destroy the fine work of neighbours
Because it is good - Because it pleases strangers.

I wish I could build a wall high as my house
To keep out fox and bracken, rat and mouse.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
August 4th. - 6th.2024.

Order and Destruction.