Monday, 22 April 2024

Simplicity. (Working out my current Philosophy).

 I much prefer simplicity to complex patterns. Simplicity has a greater depth than many intricate patterns. Buddhists are right to suggest that God is subject to the Law of Karma. The whole Multiverse is and therefore God is. Interconnectedness and interbeing are fundamental to the evolving Universe / Multiverse of which we are a part. We are all stardust. And the whole Multiverse is conscious, but not selfishly so, which is the hallmark of the human intellect. Both Buddha and Jesus were aware that selfishness / selfcentredness blocks us from being able to live in harmony with all people, all beings, all things. Selfless love repairs the damage, and that is why real Christians say God is love. But god is subject to the Law of Karma and therefore only a part of the bigger picture. God is the human intellect colonising the Multiverse, with all that implies. I think that The Ground of Being is a far better description of the interconnected consciousness that is fundamental to the evolution of the Universe / Multiverse. So get involved in straight forward simple things. Love the planet and do not pollute and degrade it. We are a part of the planet and the planet is a part of us. Love thy neighbour and thy enemy. We humans are all interconnected and rely on each other to live peaceful and creative lives. Peace to all Beings. Respect the Earth, the Moon, the Stars. Meditate once or twice a day to centre yourselves, to be at peaceful Oneness with all things. Stop making rules that restrict free travel and turn people into refugees. To be a refugee is to be classified an outcaste, and no human can be an outcaste on Mother Earth. We all belong here and so there should be no barriers whatsoever. Use the word God if you like, but know it is only shorthand for much bigger ideas. I suppose the simple solution is to say that God is Everything, but then Everything is subject to the Law of Karma.

Trevor  John Karsavin Potter. 21st. April 2024

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