Monday, 4 September 2023

Keeping Things Simple. (Poem and Pictures).

Pencil and paper is far quicker, and simpler to rely on,
And therefore honest to the edge of madness,
Because truth always interrogates our lazy minds
That prefer illusion to abrasive facts.
It is time for me to turn the blank screen to the wall,
To keep the computer as dark as possible,
Although I need it for shopping when I cannot leave home.
I am not a Luddite, a breaker of new technology,
But there is something wonderful about pencils and paper;
About ink and oil pastel pressed hard on a surface
By fingers grubby with simple materials
Manufactured by crafts-folk in time honoured ways.
I can sit in the privacy of my quiet room,
And write, or draw, with ruthless integrity.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
4th. September 2023.

Yes the computer is a very useful tool, but there are too many people on the web trying to sway my opinions, to control how I think, but by employing simpler materials, pens pencils and paints, I gain a space in which i can quietly be myself and find my true thoughts.

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