Friday, 29 December 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: February Trees.(Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: February Trees.(Revised).: Plane trees in the mist. Filigree patterns of axons; Of fine capillaries. Veins reaching up through the winter sky Under the skin of mi...

Trevor J Potter's Art: A Bitter Isolation.

Trevor J Potter's Art: A Bitter Isolation.: Brexit has clipped my wings, I can no longer fly, Soar over mountains and oceans, Dance with the stars. Brexit has dragged me earthwar...

Sunday, 17 December 2023

Saturday, 16 December 2023

Dreamtime in West London, December 1965. Poem with Painting. (Revised and Completed).

In the secret depths of your soul
Wild forests stir,
Probe with myriad roots
And wind torn branches
The tangled depths
Of dappled time,
Seeking a new space to shelter in,
Unknown to wolf and rough weather.

There, in the safety of your dreamtime
You sleep, softly breathing beside me;
Your hand, at rest on my shoulder,
Weightless as eiderdown.

The child in your belly is restless, turning as you sleep.
Perhaps she has already taken control of our lives.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
17th. December 2023. (Poem begun October 1969).

Sunday, 26 November 2023

December Dawn - November Sunsets. A Poem, (Revised Longer Version), and 4 Pictures.

 I have spent my life skating on thin ice
Waiting for the cracks to open under my feet,
But the ice has remained as firm as polished marble
However hard I tried to break the spell
That keeps me upright on the frozen waters.
They reflect the blinding sun but keep me safe.

I have spent my life skating on thin ice,
Trusting in my instincts - rejecting common sense,
While Jack Frost slowly crystallized the dawn mist,
Distorting the long view, making time indistinct. 
I have spent my life taking crazy chances,
But have always landed - somehow - on my feet.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
2nd. - 3rd. December 2023.

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: A Dutch Interior. (Revised)

Trevor J Potter's Art: A Dutch Interior. (Revised):  Summer is for painting, Winter is for poetry, Sitting by the window to try to catch the light. In winter I dream people in simple black and...

Thursday, 2 November 2023

An Afternoon Piano Recital

The music of Claude Debussy
Is made from smiles and tears;

Patterns of sunlight and shadow
Dapple a garden wall.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
2nd. November 2023..

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

November Threnody. (Revised and Completed Poem).

Time becomes heavy in November.
Mud and dead leaves drag our footsteps back
As we try to strive forward toward the light,
The light of imagined Spring mornings.
But November rain seeping through the darkness
Of days so short they might as well not happen,
Drags us backwards into the sphere of remembrance,
Books of condolence signed, then locked away.

All Souls Day, when the names of all our dead
Are called out bleakly in echoing shells of churches,
A relentless role call as twilight fades outside.
And then the crack of cannons fired at eleven
On the eleventh day of the eleventh month, but the 
                                                    year is never cited
Because there is no end to righteous wars.
Time is slowed by grief in deep November,
These dark red autumn leaves, all martyrs` shrouds.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
1st. November 2023.   

Friday, 27 October 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: Two Linked Poems. (1) Random Autumn Thoughts as Ni...

Trevor J Potter's Art: Two Linked Poems. (1) Random Autumn Thoughts as Ni...:                               1.      Random Thoughts as Night Falls. Soon we will be putting the clocks back for winter. Soon night will do...

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Monday, 23 October 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: Random Autumn Thoughts as Night Falls.(Heavily Rev...

Trevor J Potter's Art: Random Autumn Thoughts as Night Falls.(Heavily Rev...: Soon we will be putting the clocks back for winter. Soon night will dominate the day. It is now nearly a month since the equinox And now I a...

Trevor J Potter's Art: Expectations. (Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Expectations. (Revised).: Every night I hear you knocking,  Knock Knock Knocking On my door; But when I trudge downstairs to greet you You are not there, You are neve...

Friday, 20 October 2023

Expectations. (Completed Poem).

Every night I hear you knocking, 
Knock Knock Knocking
On my door;
But when I trudge downstairs to greet you
You are not there,
You are never there.

I know your face -
Your voice  - Your laughter,
I love your walk -
Your smile - Your hair.
I sometimes catch a hint of perfume
At the bottom of the stair. 

Your knock is soft, but strong - demanding;
It is not the rain,
The snow - The air.
But when I trudge downstairs to greet you
You are not there,
You are never there.

You are neither friend,
Nor a stranger;
Perhaps we met when out one day.
You turned to smile in the crowded subway,
I have never seen a smile so fair.
But when I looked again to find you
You were not there.
You were not there.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
20th. - 22nd. - 23rd. October 2023.

Order and Destruction.