Saturday, 30 July 2022

Lucien`s Horses.

That horse you sketched when you were 8 or 9
In a letter to your father
Is an icon of compassion.
A red horse, deftly drawn,
Shown walking through a field of early tulips.
An equine Buddha in a man made landscape
Somewhere in rural England,
A place where only dreams invoke such beauty.
A gentle Buddha,  his quietness soft as mist
Sanctifying a mild mid April morning.

Through candid, Hawk sharp eyes, you watched that horse
Slowly become a reality on the page,
His body red as the flesh of a wounded dove,
Pain twisting raw fear into abject anger.
Your horse however knows only how to love,
He can even forgive the whip of a frenzied rider
Slashing deep his flank.
This reminds me how at school you slept in the stable
To escape the mob rule of the dormitory.

School was a lonely hell where no one listened, 
But later there would be girls to keep you company
Through empty silences of London nights,
You mentioned them in a matter of fact sort of way
When we larked in the pub, over a stout and a sandwich,
But I noticed your voice was gentle when you talked of horses.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
July 1st. - 2nd. - 17th. - 30th. 2022.

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