Sunday, 14 February 2021

Naruto Whirlpool. (Revised)

This is a great place for ship wrecks.
The basalt rocks - gnarled broken teeth
Snap at the salty spume with a sharks
Yet catch on nothing airborne, nothing
Never deflecting the flight, the darting 
Of soaring - diving gulls,
Those living knives slicing through the

But slow sailing ships are always easy prey,
Especially the overladen western galleons
Trading guns for silk - gold for porcelain;
And, according to the records, opioids.
These rocks are the islands secret weaponry,
Lurking pods of static submarines,
Waves clawing at their towers, whipping up
Between the anchored keels.

Meanwhile, in his snow white inland castle,
The Shogun writes a poem about plum blossom,
Delicate as a torn wing - ephemeral as the spray.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
14th. - 18th. February 2021.
Hiroshige Prints, poem Number Three. The month of March.
Thinking back to my poem for November 2019, poetry is what the fisherman sees below the surface of the sea, what we call reality is what happens above the surface.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.