Wednesday, 15 July 2020

July Loganberries.


Now is the season of hidden fruit,
Berries that I thought would never ripen
I find rich scented, arterial dark,
Hanging in the shadows of the old stems
Earth heavy, shower shimmered,
Hanging down close to the rain drenched
                                                 leaf mould,
- Almost part of the rotting leaf mould -
Hanging ripe, impossible to harvest
Until I have tied back the wild new growth.


I cut a path through the old dry wood
To find the metal poles I can fix wires to
With which to tie back the prized new growth
And expose the clustered fruits that grow
                                                         in shadow
Beneath the old dry leaves, almost autumnal
In their brittle dryness, their coarse purples and
And I am happy to see the dark stains on my fingers
As I gather an unexpected supper of berries,
Blood dark berries rich in summer goodness.

And I am happy, yet nostalgic for the sweet / bitter
As I taste the last mouthfuls of the season.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
12th. - 13th. July 2020.

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