Thursday, 16 January 2020

The Runaway Lovers. (From the Chinese).

You are the perfect mirror
Reflecting the cool blue skies of morning,
The clouds a distant memory.

Your smile is happiness without a flaw,
The simple gift that you give to me,
The perfect gift that you give to me,
And you have asked for little in return,

Only that I am patient with you always,
And never give in to bouts of anger,
Only that I am beside you when you awake,
Only that I am close beside you always.

In the cool blue light of early morning,
Reflecting my face reflecting yours,
You are the perfect mirror.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
16th. - 17th. January 2020.
For Ivy who will understand perfectly.

Although influenced by the translations of the poems of Li Ching - chao by Kenneth Rexroth,this poem is completely mine except for the imagery of the mirror reflecting the sky, which refers to a description of Lo Kuang by General Wei Kuang, but I have used the imagery completely in my own way, and moreover, I am referring to a young woman deeply in love. The couple in the poem were inspired by the lovers in the story created from the imagery depicted on the classic Willow Pattern plates.

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