Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Husband and Wife. (Revised Version).

You knocked.                      I opened.
A thousand birds flew into my heart
          Singing your praises.

           My heart is a drum.
A drum echoing with summer birdsong.

My heart riffs to the beat of your heart,
     To the pulse of your breathing,
      To the dance of your laughter.
 When we kiss we are one perfect instrument
Tuned to the world
                                 and to each other.

When we live apart
                             We are
Jangling loud                     
                                             in vacant spaces.
        Sunless voids that shape no echo,
Sound no depths,                 no clear acoustic,
        Where harmony is a lonely cry
               Lost in the wilderness.

When we live apart
Our lives are empty,
Hollowed out, detached from meaning;
Forsaken songs at the edge of silence.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
July 4th. - 5th. - 30th. -August 3rd, 2019.

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