Monday, 7 January 2019

Fernweh. (New Ending).

I have never yet found my true home,
I have always only been
                                       "on Location",
A displaced person searching for my
                                           Soul Land
Far from the melancholy shores of
Or the misty time soaked forests of
The frozen hilltops of far Nova Scotia.

The place I seek? Who can help me find it?
Describe it?
                    Define it?
A place so far back in time no modern
No smart Bugatti, no supercharged white
Could speed me there along an autobahn.

Perhaps the home I seek does not exist,
A place where politicians are mere rumours,
A place where race and religion do not
And the rich cannot afford the entrance fee.
Perhaps all that I can do is grieve like
Among the ashes of forsaken dreams.

Maybe I seek the Land of Lost Content,
The land before our mama ate the apple.
The land that was before I learned to walk
And still lay sleeping in my plastic cradle.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 28th. - 30th. 2018. - January 7th. 2019.
January 21st. 2020.

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