Friday, 7 December 2018

Tiger Lily.

I did not know you could be SO jealous,
SO out of your mind with angst and fury,
Spilling burnt food all over the cooker,
Breaking a vase.
All this because of a short conversation,
A few words spoken out of your hearing
Between your sister and your favourite man.

I did not know you could do SO MUCH damage,
Trashing your bedroom and spoiling the toilet,
A human Wrecking Ball in your own home,
A demolition expert on heat.
All this because of an imagined liaison
Between two people you admire and adore
When they were simply sheltering from precipitous

Strangely it seems he approves of your actions,
The implacable fierceness of a Tigress
Protecting her kill and her feeding young
Is a scene that ricocheted through his mind
When he heard the report down the phone.
So you are the woman he could spend his life with,
You would keep the wide world away from the door,
And the kids would grow wise in your care.

Do not worry, your sister is not a rival,
She could not live with a man so like you.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 7th. 2018.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.