Friday, 27 July 2018

Colour Box Blues.

The world that I live in seems unreal right now,
Impermanent, quickly changing.

The colour of my skin changes with the quality of light.
English summer light,
Venetian light,
The whirling lights in a third class dance hall,
The orange glow of city street lamps.
You cannot catalogue who I am
By just looking at my skin.
Tomorrow you may not quite recognise me, brother,
If we meet in a different place.

The painting that I completed after midnight
Looks different now the sun is up
And silvering the curtains.
I open the curtains, the colours come to life,
The images that I drew under lamplight
Now shimmer with a new quixotic brilliance,
But if I close the curtains
The colours will dull down again
Like embers becoming ashes.

In the meantime I embrace the beauty of the first light,
Revelling in the unreality of each moment
Because this unreality is crammed with beauty,
The sunlight making patterns on the ceiling,
Patterns that change even while I look.

The shadow of my hand darkens the bedroom mirror.
Each morning my face is new to me in the glass.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
July 21st. - 24th. - 27th. 2018.

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