Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Two Poems. (1) Narcotics. (2) Urban Owl.



Mind - released from the fog of morphine
Realigns with the rules of reason -
The sacred texts of untruth.

To get through the day I must give up thinking,
Stare at the screen - an automaton -
Stop trying to be myself.

When I shut down the computers I am nearly blind -
I cannot see the office for what it is -
A chaos of human stories.

Pain killers do not assist me to readjust
From electronic realities to simple living -
From video porn to innocent love.

It is only when I listen to the nightingale
That the world is once more my home.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 7th. 2018. 



         Urban Owl.

Swift - darting hunter
Eyes - small volcanoes
Erupting into the night

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 7th. 2018.

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