Wednesday, 30 May 2018

(1) A Bright May Morning. (Revised) (2) At First Sight.


A Bright May Morning.

Increasing my sense of loneliness
Your voice echoes down the telephone
A lone flute heard in the distance
A far off bird calling for a mate
Heard in the morning as I struggle to sleep
Chilled by your absence

You told me you loved me when you telephoned
Out of the blue
                          this Monday morning
But now that the truth has at last been spoken
The waiting is crueller than it used to be
When I had jettisoned hope

In a week you shall be well enough to travel-
Your bed in the ward occupied by another-
Once you are here I shall switch off the phone

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 29th. - June 10th. 2018.


    At First Sight.

Across the atrium
Your eyes look into mine

Wild lightning
Not a trace of thunder

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 27th. 2018.

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