Friday, 23 March 2018

Two Poems. (1) Equinox. (2) The Ripples Spread.



This I have waited to see
                for a long time.
The spring sunshine
Cutting the ice to ribbons,
Melting the snow.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
March 19th. 2018.


   The Ripples Spread.

Last night I heard your voice
Calling my name
Out loud to the stars that seemed
                                          as still
As stones glistening under water;
You alone in rural Leicestershire,
I in my London house. -
You had not used your phone
                   to contact me,
To share with me the hurt
That open wounds of long term
Inflict upon our lives.
You simply cried out to the
                         Milky Way,
And my house became the fields
Through which you walked,
The ceilings opened to the silent

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
March 19th.2018. 

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