Friday, 8 December 2017

Wonderland Love Song.

I am your Cheshire Cat.

You can scroll down quickly
So that I disappear
Right off your screen
If you like,
But my image will remain
Locked in your mind,
Afloat in inner space
Just like the face
Of the magical feline of Wonderland.

I am not a virtual inhabitant
Of your hand held plastic world
So small it can fit
Tight in the pocket watch
Of a frantic off white rabbit.
My claws are real,
Larger than average claws,
And can draw red blood
From the falsest of false hearts.

I am invisible, zapped out
By you,
But just for one moment.
Whichever path you may take,
Left or right or wherever,
You shall find me waiting,
Curled up on the warm hearth
Of any strange house you may enter,
Perfectly at home as always.

So turn off your fake small world,
Unplug your permanent headphones,
Hear my real words
Whispering out of the darkness,
Straight off the yellowing pages
Of the paperback book you once loved.
I am the smile that cannot be faded,
Your first kiss under starlight
When the whole universe seemed to swirl you

In a dance above the clouds.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 8th. - 9th. 2017.

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