Tuesday, 17 October 2017

(1) Kyoto Temple Garden.(Revised) (2) My Rose Tree. (3) The Spider.


    Kyoto Temple Garden.


Buddha reflected in the water.

Two Buddhas in a single moment.

One breaks up when a leaf falls,
The other sits unconcerned
On a lotus blossom.

The lotus blossom is carved in stone

Grey stone reflected in green water.

I sit and watch the leaves fall.
The landscape is slowly changing.
Now it is autumn the bones are showing.

I cross the stepping stones on heavy feet.

When I press the handset the car doors open.


A car ride from the concrete city
A temple garden full of trees,
Not a straight line to be seen.

Behind me the Buddha laughs
Deep in his granite belly.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 14th. - 17th. 2017.
Completed January 16th. 2018.



             My Rose Tree.

My rose tree, a twisted arm,
Branches writing on the wind
In praise of stillness.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 19th. 2017.


               The Spider.

On my window, doing nothing,
I thought the spider was a corpse,
It is only waiting.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 19th. 2017.
In a Kyoto Temple Garden completed 16th. January 2018.

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