Friday, 22 September 2017

Pre - Natal. (First Version).

Crossing the steel bridge to the market
An ordinary girl, yet full of poems
Red in tooth and claw;

Unruly babies, not yet nurtured,
Already spitting fire, like dragons
Deep in her world, the echoing shadows,
The darkness where all life is formed
In secret, all the lanterns out.

Here dwarfish gods
Make swords for giants
And birds speak plain to purblind heroes,
The seas are born, the Kraken roars,
The mountains fall apart.

Crossing the steel bridge to the market
An ordinary girl, her shoes worn out,
Crying poems to the wind;

Come and buy.
Come and buy.
You lost and lonely
Come and buy.

But no one would give her a penny.
No one would give her a look.
She was just a poor girl, a useless malingerer,
Someone to kick because she was down.

But all the children of Camden Town
Withdrew into silence when she turned away.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
September 21st. - 22nd. 2017.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.