Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Promenader. - After the Concert.

You dance down the street
Like a ballerina en pointe,
Head held erect,
Black curls lifted on the buoyant wind
Of this damp mid summer evening.

All the traffic lights in brexit London
Turn red as you dance in the evening rain
With your innocent verve masking a youthful
Your secret laughter
As you smile back at me
                            in the crowd behind you,
Lagging further and further behind.

The grinding traffic of stressed out London
Stopped by the glister
Of your instant fame,
The beauty of your oh so innocent
As you skip between the toe deep puddles,
Shoes worn out by your swift heeled movement.

This is pure love expressed in dancing,
A young girl madly in love with living
Bringing the jaded town to a halt.
Lending the song birds in nearby Hyde Park
A chance to be heard in the sudden stillness
Of a city with all the motors cut out.

& in the midst of all this you are so unaware
That for a minute you challenged the world.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
19th. - 22nd. July 2017.

1 comment:

Wrecking the Suburbs.