Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Grenfell Tower.

The taste of smoke in the wind

Burnt plastic
Burnt wood
Burnt people

The taste of ashes deep in the mouth

The embers of terror
Of total annihilation

The blackened tower above the rooftops

A scorched carcase
The bones of perdition

Heralded by sirens
By ten thousand alarm bells

Police cars
Fire engines
Wheels screeching on tarmac

By helicopter blades

By distraught mothers shouting down cellphones

Their children pushed through wrenched out windows
From burning ledges
The molten rooftop
Into the outstretched arms of strangers

Heralded by sirens
By speeding ambulances
By flashing lights
By falling debris
The midsummer sun cuts through the smoke haze

With the implacable indifference of nature

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 20th. - 21st. 2017.

Once or twice I visited a beautiful Sufi woman who lived on the 17th. floor.
This was twenty or more years ago. She was a close friend and Sufi guide to
a friend of mine. I have had no news. I do hope she is safe.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this .. an honest immediacy about it. Hope you don't work it any further!


Wrecking the Suburbs.