Friday, 4 November 2016

Soulmates. (First Version)

By the lakes edge
the flash of electricity in the air
cracking the night sky apart,
breaking my window.

Your face, caught in the mirror
just before our first kiss
as we crashed out of our loneliness, landing softly together,
free falling through a hail storm of dazzling reflections
that perhaps, were our previous lives.
Your face, caught in the mirror;
pale moon between dark clouds.

I had known you for ten years before we first met,
of this I am almost certain.
Your voice a soft whisper on the edge of my dreams.
Your heartbeats
a distant thunder.

Now we curl close like children come in from the rain,
safe home at the end of a journey.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 4th. - 5th. - 7th. 2016.

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