Monday, 14 December 2015

(1) Dark Transfiguration. (Revised.) (2) Fish Bowl / Fish Pond.


Dark Transfiguration.    ( A dream recalled.)

The feast of the Dormition
A threnody of weeping
Solemn as winter
The church almost empty

Nails break upon hard wood
A taper gutters
A baby cries

I step aside from the golden curtain
Stumble and shiver
Walk to the house

The silence shimmers
Black ice on old tarmac
Smog cutting my lungs

You enter my room
An ivory Angel
White naked breasts
Blatant with summer

The baby cries
I caress your beauty
Hands golden with worship

The baby cries
You turn from my loving
To comfort the child

Your curved white back
Weighed down with compassion
Curved as when grieving

I offer to help you
Arms weak as water
The weight of salvation
Only strengthens your giving

I offer to help you
Sleep slaps me down
A cold hard door
Has shut in the darkness

Nails break upon hard wood
A taper gutters
I am lost - I am lost without you

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
First Version. August 17th. - October 12th. 2012.
December 14th. 2015. - New Version January 23rd. 2017.



           Fish Bowl.

No, I do not write haiku:
Ask my cat. She`s not bothered,
Watching the fish swim in circles.


           Fish Pond.

Leaves floating in the pond;
The fish disturb them with bubbles
That burst on reaching the surface.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 11th. 2015.         

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