Friday, 3 July 2015

An Early Morning Walk, 5 am. June 3rd. 2013. (Revised).

This morning I watched the sunrise,
A pearl in an indigo sea
Denuded of ships,
The far off clouds
Pale as distant mountains.

A solitary wren sang in a hedgerow,
My only companion
In this deserted street;
Perhaps a lonely wanderer
Pining for a lost soul mate?

Hands clenched against the cold
I walked to the local cash point,
That emblem of insecurities
More feared than an unhooked phone.

My fiancee has made me poor,
Emptied the Bank forever.
I looked up at the new found pearl,
Bright as an Irish Love ring,
And wondered how soon it would burn
A great hole in my pocket.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 4th. 2013. - July 3rd. - 4th. 2015.

A rewrite of the poem Early Morning Walk.
blogged in June 2013.

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