Friday, 27 February 2015

Mosul. (Revised Version).

So you want to break up statues,
Burn old books?
Cut off a journalists head?
Easy Brother. - Easy.

I suppose that compassion is too hard a gift to give?

Destruction is a simpler option
When you want to get ideas over
To those who do`nt want to know.

We tried this ourselves once Brother,
It was called the Reformation;
We have not stopped counting the cost,
Stopped mourning a broken culture.

Yes we know that God is Great,
The Conscience of the Universe,
The Instigator of all that lives,
But do you know how big the Universe is?

Just open your eyes and be astounded,
Look up at the stars at night,
Be amazed and full of love.
Receive this free gift of compassion,
      Let it dazzle your eyes.

Now measure your deeds and be wise.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
February 27th. - March 5th. 2015.

We must love and forgive our enemies, but they must repair all the damage that they have done.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.