Monday, 4 August 2014

(1) West Hendon Murder.. (2) Cut Out. (3) A Shared Nightmare. (Revised) (4) The Angry Voter.


  West Hendon Murder.

The War Memorial in York Park has been smashed down.

Soon the Park will be buried under apartment blocks.

Lip service is given to remembering the fallen
while the good life that they died for is squandered under concrete,
White slabs fit for graffiti.

The Poor Kids Playground, laid out where innocents died
By a Borough Council that cared for the plight of the lowly,
Makes way for penthouses built to appease the toffs.
An uneasy silence has supplanted the laughter of children.

The War Memorial in York Park has been smashed down.

The grandchildren of the fallen have lost their heritage.

They have been sold down the sewer by the Council
that should have worked Hard to protect them.

Farewell high ideals and sanity,
You are no longer required in a world grown rabid and  venal.
Welcome forgetfulness and anarchy.
Welcome the Paradise of the Fool.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
August 5th. - 6th. - 10th. 2014. 



          Cut Out.

The bee does not sting as fiercely as you,
Your Colours drive me wild.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
August 4th. 2014.



     A Shared Nightmare. (Revised)

Through a glass darkly I dream you
Dream hopes I must forsake

Flecked by sombre shadows
The mist dissolves the lake

I fear that we are drowning
and yet we dare not wake

Your voice cries out forlornly
Cries out across the lake

Our hands meet in the darkness
A cold dawn starts to break

Fingers melt like icicles
Melt back into the lake

Through a glass darkly I dream you

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 7th. 1980. _ March 14th. _ August 4th. 2014.
Revised December 18th. 2014.



       The Angry Voter.


Trevor John Karsavin Potter.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.