Thursday, 10 July 2014

Futility. (New Version).

I cut open the Gourd
to reveal a wasteland of seed

One thousand plants that shall never be grown

Ten thousand mouths that shall not be fed

A taut womb barren
but cursed by hope

Mothers crouched among the ruins of Gaza

Eyes bright with hunger
Lips black with pain

Ten thousand veiled faces
imploring the sun

Ten thousand scarred hands
lifted in prayer

The voice of Rachel shrieking in Ramah

The beauty of Iman calloused by gunfire

I cut open the Gourd
to expose the raw flesh

The skin is rough to my fingers like sandstone

The small oval seeds remind me of tears

Trevor John Karsavin Potter
July 10th. - 11th. - 14th.  - 15th.2014.

This is a poem of protest, within the history of my family there are, and have been, Christians, Muslims and Jews. There are also secularists, and the family is mainly left wing or liberal in politics. I feel torn apart by the conflicts in the Middle East. The nations with the most efficient, brutal and powerful armies do not get my vote. It is the oppressed civilians I care about. The blood soaked children crying in the hospitals.

1 comment:

  1. This is the unfinished version of the poem. to see the revised version, which is a protest against the bombing of Gaza, go to the Blogg.


Order and Destruction.