Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Three Love Poems,(1) A New York Encounter Revisited - (2) A Surreal Night.- (3) Bedtime.


A New York Encounter Revisited

She crouched down low
Leaning into the steam
On careful feet.

Laughing out loud
As I helped to undress her
She would talk of  nude bathing
In Icelandic springs
At the onset of winter.
Or was it mid summer eve?

This wild acolyte,
(The Eve to my liking),
Of pagan folk custom
And guiltless free love
Now hiding her breasts
Beneath soap suds and towels.

She whispers my name
Like a little girl lost,

A child of the back streets
Who lives for the night,

A runaway stranger
In search of a home.

Kneeling beside her
I rinse her long hair
With tremulous fingers,
Eyes studying the floor.
A service extended
While she acts up the priestess,
The transcriber of runes.

Our eyes never meet,
The taboo is absolute
The forfeit most certain,
A week of not talking or touching or smiling
However close up
We sit down together,
However often we stroll to the station,
However often we sleep side by side.

This is the life we have chosen together
It is just the way that we like it.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter 
25th. - 27th. February, 5th.- 7th. March 2013.



 A Surreal Night. 

Come sleep by me
 And let us be
Contented for an hour or so

The rain
Sneaks down the window pane
The storm beats down
Upon the town
The devils mask is shed

But soon
Drowned moon
drowned thoughts
In tune
With cellos
Played in Unison
In secret rooms above the bed

The devil has the strangest tunes
The devil plays contra-bassoons

These moonless nights
In dreams we dread
The clumping of the devils foot
Across the hollow ceiling

The devil takes the lonely soul
Stokes it with lead
Then gulps it whole
The devil is as black as coal

Together we are safe and warm
Together we are freed from harm

Come sleep by me
And let us be
Contented for an hour or so

But if you snore
I will make you sleep next door

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
March 26th. 1963. - February 18th. 2013. 




Tonight we sample simplicity

Two people

                     One bed

Your nightdress strewn on the pillow

My underpants dropped on the floor

The icon

               Face turned to the window

A guilty secret

               A blocked charm

Lonesome in their magic world
The trees outside are praying

Wild roses whisper together
The pampas grass is sighing

Your hands reach out towards me

Our fingers interact
                  Like Fireflies dancing

Dragonflies darting over streams

The water sings under their wings

Storm clouds shade a distant shore
The darkness pierced by lightning

Our cat
Asleep on the eiderdown

Enjoys the rocking of waves

Trevor John Karsavin Potter 
March 9th.- 10th. 2013.

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