Friday, 28 September 2012

Starlight Love Poem. (New Completed Poem).

This love I offer is not an empty token.

Cuddle up close against the winter night.
We are the same material as the stars
And should not fear this darkness.

The stardust in your eyes
Is far more ancient than decoded time
And cannot be snuffed out by simple night.
Love invokes an infinity of galaxies
With a single perfect glance
More radiant than a darting meteorite.

Love cannot be unspoken.

Huddle up close against the winter night.
We are the same material as the stars
And should disregard this ordinary darkness.

Spellbound by sleep, snuggled tight,
Cusped in charity of perfect loving,
Our dreams are bright with elemental power
Eliminating voids with dazzling light.
We are wise children of the universe
And should not be afraid.

Snuggle up close against the winter night.
Our love is stronger than reason dares. 
Our love cannot be broken.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
27th. September 2012.  - 4th. - 5th. - 16th. April 2022.
This is the corrected version I like the best.

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