Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Thursday, 27 February 2025

If I were a Camera. ( Newly Re-written Poem).

If I were a camera I would zoom in directly
On winter trees loud with anthracite crows,
The ice white ripples on a cold shallow lake;
The dance of snowdrops in the cottage meadow -
Not on hipster life in Kreuzberg Berlin - the snake man
Easing dollars from slobs on Venice beach.  Nor would I 
Grab a mac to snap Soho in the rain, crowded pubs
Rowdy as Hell in Borough Market; punters sweating pints
                                                             on the Cam or Isis.
No, not at all; but I would rather be in rural Ireland
Far from the crowds at any time of year - snug in the
                                                                        coffee shop
Rock crystals on the counter. There`s an off white sofa to 
                                                   snuggle up and lounge in - 
Cakes of many flavours - coffee more than creamy -
English and Irish spoken soft and loud. Or in Fermanagh 
Apples and veg and chatter from that farmer up the hill.- 
This is the world I could live in, commemorate in black and 
But recall in perfect colours. Here where I am at home, loved
Respected. Not merely a pale face passed in the Underground.-  
An image that fades in an instant as the travelers rush by.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
27th. 28th. February - March 4th.2025.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Bagatelle. (A Poem).

Perhaps I should write a book of bagatelles,
Scraps and off-cuts from my workshop; for
If I should admit that all the photos- all the
Fleeting memories-the wayward dreams we
But have rarely talked about. These and all the
Night long phone calls -can-without a single
Clear exception
In no way substitute for months and years apart.
No, we need not write long screeds packed with
To shout out loud our loneliness, our griefs;
A single bagatelle-perhaps a word or two-that
                                                         is enough
To say all we need to say. - To say it true.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 21st. February 2025.

Interior Landscape


Wrecking the Suburbs.