Thursday, 21 September 2023

Autumn Equinox.(A Poem and Two Pictures).

Today is the Autumn Equinox.
Multitudes of butterflies rising up from the gardens,
Scintillating patterns on their spreading wings
Remind me of the vibrant scarves at Carnival
Lifted high to wave a fond farewell
To summertime, the frenetic inconsistencies
Of a season more turbulent than spring or winter.
The multi coloured patterns on the carnival wings
Are like the flaming leaves that soon shall fall
As daytime becomes an obscure glimpse of light, quickly fading.

In a week or two I shall start to wear my wind proof coat,
Heavy and dull as the clouds lumbering out of the west.
By then I should be accustomed to the sodden greys and greens,
Bright colours reappraised as wishful thinking.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
September 21st. 2023.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: A Song for Winter.

Trevor J Potter's Art: A Song for Winter.: Sleep garden sleep Under your duvet of leaves, Winter is a short season, Wink twice and it is done. In February the snowdrops Welcome...

Monday, 18 September 2023

Monday, 11 September 2023

Early Morning, 9/11 2023.(Poem & 2 Pictures).

A perfect late summers morning,
The air as clear as a bowl of chill water
Filled by a mountain stream.
I take a deep slow breath, holding the air in
Until my lungs begin to hurt, to feel bruised and pummelled.
A long hot month of summer influenza
Has made my whole body ache for the joy of living,
The abundance of art, and simply meeting
With friends and strangers in the scrummage of local streets.
I look up at a dazzling sky,
Counting small clouds scudding like miracle children
On crystal skateboards across the morning blue.
Then - on the 8 `o clock news - today is 9/11 -
And I feel ice cold - empty - bereft of meaning.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
9th. September 2023.

Wonky Jug.