Thursday 18 May 2023

The Kiss. (Revised).

That night in the bar Time seemed to melt away
Leaving us trapped in an alien space with no doors,
A broken key dangling from my fingers.
I stood tongue tied, once more a schoolboy caught
                                                               red handed
With pockets stashed with snowballs, sweets and
                                                 grandpas cigarettes,
Both hands trembling for fear of slipper or rod.
"Come here bad boy", you sardonically suggested
As you grabbed my collar and kissed me hard on the
As though you had already gained my lands and loot.
This was behaviour I did not expect from a scholar,
Especially someone so lady like and formal
That saying boo to a goose could seem not to be your 
Love at second sight had blown all constraints awry,
Leaving us beached on a new shore only we had the
                                                      strengths to explore.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
May 18th. - 19th. 2023.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Clear Light Breaking Through. (Completed Poem).

Maybe one day I shall construct a little outhouse
Devised entirely of metal and stained glass,
Except, of course, for a floor of oak - or marble -
Reflecting dazzling colours, a shoe scuffed mirror
Almost brighter than the walls of glass.
This shall be my miniature Reims - or Chartres,
A cathedral of the mind
Not of stone and mortar,
A space for contemplation - to think - to write
                                                   a book,
Or simply sit quite still while long years pass.
                  Time to live like an anchorite in a cell
                  Trying to make sense of dreams and visions;
                  Julian of Norwich shall be my saint and exemplar
                  As I try to rediscover honesty, hope and truth
                  In an era when lies are de-rigueur.
                  I shall cook rice and apples on my charcoal stove,
                  And never venture out of doors
                  Come frost - come hail - come exquisite summer

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
March 18th. - 19th. - May 16th.-18th. 2023.

Friday 12 May 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: Warwick Castle Peacock, Revised.

Trevor J Potter's Art: Warwick Castle Peacock, Revised.:  Turning a corner in the castle garden  We were dazzled by fireworks flaring                                                   at noon; A Su...

Trevor J Potter's Art: Warwick Castle Peacock, Poem and Painting

Trevor J Potter's Art: Warwick Castle Peacock, Poem and Painting:  Turning a corner of the castle garden  We were dazzled by fireworks flaring                                                   at noon; A Su...

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Warwick Castle Peacock, (Completed Poem).

 Turning a corner in the castle garden 
We were dazzled by fireworks flaring 
                                                 at noon;
A Sultan Peacock, flaunting his feathers,
Out patrolling his patch of lawn.
Meanwhile a bevy of elegant Peahens
Eyed this extravagance with sedate self 
Sideways glances
Meaning far more than he could know.

We turned towards the shade of the castle;
His cries shrieked brazen, hierarchic commands.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
12th. - 14th.May 2023.   

Thursday 4 May 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: Love Story.(Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Love Story.(Revised).: Love seemed so real that night - The stars above us - Your tent stowed away - Your single sleeping bag Big enough for two. Even the foxes  S...

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: Maytime Magdalene, Soho Queen. (New Revised Version).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Maytime Magdalene, Soho Queen. (New Revised Version).: I was spot on that evening we met, Our togetherness is for life, And not just that time censored moment Long ago,                  and almos...