Sunday, 2 April 2023

Love Story 2.

Our love - a collage of inexplicable events -
Hands touching,
                  without warning,
                                      in a shower of rain.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
April 2nd. 2023.

Mixed Media Artworks.

Friday, 31 March 2023

Love Story.(Completed Poem).

Love seemed so real that night -
The stars above us -
Your tent stowed away -
Your single sleeping bag
Big enough for two.
Even the foxes 
Seemed our friends that night
As they sauntered deftly by,
The gentle horses shuffling;
The moon a frozen tear.
Back here at home, under the old slate roof,
Although six miles distant from city lights
And the clamour of subway stations,
Truth is so much harder to know.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
31st. March 2023. 
May 4th. 2023.

Thursday, 30 March 2023

My Windblown Age. Poem and Painting.(Revised).

Crossing the path between March and 
An unexpected gust of turbulent wind
Lifts the wreckage of my smoke white hair
Raggedly into a halo,
Backlit by the sun.
I take a selfie - then wince at the result -
No scarecrow could ever look as wild as I do
This blustery morning - the dawn birds 
                             disallowing the quiet
I had lately learned to cherish
In the wintry months
When I sat nose deep in books.
I laugh at my preposterous appearance
Recorded far too candidly by my camera, then 
                                   swipe it quick to trash.
When I was young I was often neater and sprucer 
                    than any Pre- Raphaelite Angel.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
30th. March 2023.

Conception 1