Thursday, 30 March 2023

My Windblown Age. Poem and Painting.(Revised).

Crossing the path between March and 
An unexpected gust of turbulent wind
Lifts the wreckage of my smoke white hair
Raggedly into a halo,
Backlit by the sun.
I take a selfie - then wince at the result -
No scarecrow could ever look as wild as I do
This blustery morning - the dawn birds 
                             disallowing the quiet
I had lately learned to cherish
In the wintry months
When I sat nose deep in books.
I laugh at my preposterous appearance
Recorded far too candidly by my camera, then 
                                   swipe it quick to trash.
When I was young I was often neater and sprucer 
                    than any Pre- Raphaelite Angel.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
30th. March 2023.

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Cold March Morning. (Pictures and Poem)..

Cold clear day,
Neither Spring nor Winter;

Matchwood, ash and embers
Spread like memories on melting snow

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
11th. March 2023.

Broken Jug / The Rose.