Saturday 15 October 2022

Thursday 13 October 2022

Zen Lake / Zen Swan. 1 Poem & 2 Paintings. (Revised and Completed).

Painting without planning every detail, 
Just letting the brush move over surfaces
Of untreated wood or clean white paper:
Following the grain of the rough cut wood,
Gliding over the smoothness of the paper
Until images form of their own accord,
Shaped by a sensitivity to the moment
And materials that come to hand.
Without planning I know when the work is finished,
Like the chord in a symphony that resolves all tensions, 
Or the shadow of a frayed leaf caught in a stream
That is slowly ebbing away.                            

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
14th. October 2022.

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Trevor J Potter's Art: Seventeen 2020.(Illustrated Poem).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Seventeen 2020.(Illustrated Poem).: I notice you are now in high heels. Tall as a flamingo. Frightening the boys. You zap their self confidence with a laugh. When I was youn...

Sunday 9 October 2022

Trevor J Potter's Art: A Note for my Diary. (Newly Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: A Note for my Diary. (Newly Revised).: A book of Chinese poems on my lap I sit in the church waiting for the clock to strike. Today is a day for reading. Yesterday, a day for...

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Discarded Photograph.(Completed Poem).

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Discarded Photograph.(Completed Poem).: When, by chance, I picked up the photograph, I thought I had picked up a portrait of you Laughing by the seaside, but private, as you       ...

Thursday 6 October 2022