Saturday 20 August 2022

After The War, A Child`s View of Events.( Completed Poem).

The morning after hostilities ceased
Our home could no longer contain
The memories we had made there
During the black out
And the years of hopeless waiting,
Even the wind moved on tip toe
Through the rooms and hallway,
And the tick of the clock had muffled itself somehow.

Afraid to make a noise, we played hop scotch in the
Awkwardly balancing on cold      bare      feet.

 Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
August 20th. - September 7th.  2022.

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Scenes From My Album. / "Pictures unveil stories words can`t reveal". Poem.


Pictures unveil stories words can`t reveal.
If you laugh - then you laugh.
If you cry - then you cry.
Your response should not be shaped by thinking
                                     - just by looking.
Thought is too often muddied by words.

Talking about pictures misses the point.
A picture is music transformed into colour.
Imagination let loose to dance.

Painting is akin to dance.
Brush strokes creating balance and poise.
Movement becomes still in a 
                                         whirl of colour,
The complexities of line and mass.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
18th.- 19th. August 2022.