Saturday, 4 February 2017

Old Fragments.

What are these poems?
How did they originate?
What thought processes
kicked them into life?
Neither thought through nor completed,
and just left hanging here
like scraps of ancient music,
echoes of old songs
suspended in mid air,
hung out to dry.

I found them in the loft.
Pegged up like negatives
in the corner of a dark room.
Their contents scratched or faded,
smudged or pencilled over;
one crudely cancelled out.
They bring to mind lost children
discarded without mercy,
abandoned upon an island.
They cry out to be rescued,
to be safely housed and loved.

I quietly scan the writing
and try to fit the words
into coherent patterns
that might make a little sense.
But I cannot break the codes,
they are adolescent products
from an era half forgotten
that does not seem relevant to these times.

And yet the handwriting is mine.
These are my tees and aitches,
the commas big fat blots.
When a boy I wrote for hours
in secret under the covers
for night after lonesome night.
This was my secret ritual,
my substitute for prayer,
my imagined contact with the big wide world.
But I was an innocent blinded
by a plethora of arcane symbols
dug out of library books.
A whirlwind of conflicting ideals
that my hand to mouth vocabulary
could not question, nor articulate.

But I shall guard these scraps of poems.
Perhaps one day they shall be better understood.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 21st. - 23rd. 2016.
February 4th. 2017.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

On My Wall Hangs a Chinese Panel.

It is a strange country they live in,
Ivory black, with a white moon sinking
Below the shoreline of a gilded island.

And yet these two girls are entirely visible,
Not lost in the depths of their polished black
That reflects my gaze like an unforgiving
These two girls seem to illuminate themselves
As though from an inner, innate brightness,
Like lauded film stars on a sunlit beach;

Except, this is not somewhere on the French
 At the height of the hot line, photo call season,
Champagne corks popping, photographers barging
through starstruck holyday crowds.
It is Imperial China, the date indecipherable,
The Dynasty unknown, the culture refined,
The girls, in Court Dress, demure, still as the Buddha;
Two butterflies balanced on the edge of time;

Or is it timelessness, I cannot really tell,
Because the sky, the sea, the land do not
In a format that is realistic and clearly logical
To my irreverent western gaze.

A framed wooden panel painted black
Represents the land, the sky, the sea
In which the gilded island floats
Above the heads of the delicate girls;

And below their feet, a second moon rises,
                                for no apparent reason.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 18th. - 28th. 2017. 

Friday, 27 January 2017

Trevor J Potter's Art: Black Rain. (Revised)

Trevor J Potter's Art: Black Rain. (Revised): Tonight the rain is constant, The sky, Black as a hangman`s mask, Presses down hard Upon our earth bound lives, Compressing taut veins...

Saturday, 21 January 2017

(1) Blue and White Temple Vase. (2) An 18th. Century Inscription...


Blue and White Temple Vase.

Instantly created by a sleight of hand
Two cobalt blue dragons dart through
                                      a white ocean
alive with strange creatures that writhe
at the very moment a furnace clicked on
To kick start time.

And these cobalt blue dragons swim
                                   without knowledge
in the milk white ocean that is their home,
and always has been although newly born,
This being the Day of Creation.

And all life in the universe is sparked by
                                           these dragons
although they do nothing but chase
                                after each other
without breathing or moving
on the glittering glazed surface
Of a vase in the British Museum.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 20th. - 21st. 2017.



An 18th. Century Inscription Incised into the Base of a Ru Dish.

Inside the palace there are many dishes,
but bowls are hard to find.

Small objects are easy to care for,
but large objects are often dropped and broken.

The emperor in his silks and brocade
must duck and weave to avoid the blade,

but his kitchen porter hauling the swill
may outlast the dynasty.

This small Ru dish is a thousand years old,
but the bowls have all been broken.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 20th. 2017.

In the dark of Trump and Brexit I think the best I can do is explore my internationalism in my art with greater intensity and truthfulness, and hope to caste some light by doing so.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Trevor J Potter's Art: Beneath the Ice. (Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Beneath the Ice. (Revised).: A small hole in a frozen pond. The moon shining through still water. Two golden carp chasing a circle, Piscine adolescents, enthralled w...

Broken Jug / The Rose.