Thursday, 7 May 2015

Dream Portrait. (Revised).

Last night I drew your portrait in my mind,
A delicate pencil sketch
That scarcely marked the white paper,
A flat image bereft of depth or shadow.

I have almost forgotten the colours in your eyes,
The tender lilt of your Irish voice,
The remarks that kept me in order;
But the furrow that sometimes formed upon your forehead,
Especially when I hurt you, haunts me always,
Much like a jagged scar that never fades.

This attempt at veracity was a dismal failure,
It was, after all, only a dreamed up image, distinctly monochrome,
A hazy outline of who I think you are,
Much like a memory not touching the heart of the matter.

Time past I could recall a clearer image,
A Kodachrome portrait precise in every detail, as taken from real life:
But now I am old it seems safer for me to pretend
That I cannot remember true facts, only their pale facsimiles.

And perhaps I have been dishonest for much of my life,
Not staring truth straight in the face, but always askance,
And therefore have lost my way, my sense of purpose,
And the person I dared to cherish.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 7th. - 8th. - July 24th.2015.

Monday, 4 May 2015

(1) The Destruction of the Museum. (2) Lunar Eclipse.


The Destruction of the Museum.

The museum had been torched to a shell in less than a day. -
The art works destroyed in the fire represented innocence
And were deserving of rescue,
But the money that purchased those art works was cold and cruel,
Minted in African blood.

Power was imposed with an 18th. centuary nonchalance,
The locking of shackles;
The slash of a pound sign across a slave boy`s back;
The shriek of a child in the face of the Boss Man`s anger
As he casually mauled her mother with manicured hands
That daily caressed the whip.

At night these same hands would lift intricate porcelain figures
With the care of a spider spinning a delicate web
In the cool of an Autumn sun down,
Or the gentleness of the museum`s distraught curator
Sifting through heaps of ash.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 3rd. - 4th. 2015. 

The full title of this poem is, The Destruction of the Museum that was once a Planter`s House.


      Lunar Eclipse.

An eclipse is never total
The sun absorbs the errant moon
Into it`s bright corona -
A crystallized circle of light
Glistening like a diamond ring
Displayed on a black cushion.

This is how love is revealed
At those times when we try to conceal it -
A distinct but fragile aura
That illuminates averted faces
When we try to ignore each other -
Try to keep close to the shadows.

Thus it was at last night`s party
When you walked by me not speaking
Into a room packed with strangers -
Crowd fillers with too much to say.-
Only you brought life into the action -
Gave me a reason to be there -
Edged my dark world with light.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
March 19th. 2015.
April 29th. - 30th. - May 4th. - June 7th. 2015.

I was thinking of two very distinct occasions when writing this poem.
The eclipse of 2015 and an after show party in 2007.  

Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Crucified by arthritis
But still in love with young beauty

Sun light reflected off skin
Pale as African ivory
Dazzling blue eyes
Opened wide to new life

Adolescents bathing
Larking in spring water
Auburn hair flying
Clothing scattered to the Mistral

And affirming his existence
The crippled man forcing
A luxury of pigments
Into the neutral canvas

The terrifying blankness
The negativity of Hades

His fingers curled up tight
As if nailed onto a cross
His pain beyond all help

But the sun still on his face
Dazzled eyes bright with laughter
The fierce light not yet dying

Trevor John Karsavin Potter
April 26th. - 27th. 2015.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

German Shepherd.

Your German Shepherd had proved to be
Lying on top of your single bed growling
While we two were trying to make love.

That night the moon was an electroplated
Lobbed up high into a misty sky
Beyond all hope of spending.

I wasted one whole hour staring upwards
Waiting for that dog to shuffle slowly
Into the unmown field that was your garden.

Eventually he loaned us some small space,
And taking advantage, we kicked him out of
And turned the key behind him.

                  Peace now reigned,
                  Even the sheep were sleeping,
                  The horses had their heads down.

Side by side we watched the distant stars
Glittering far above the opened window;
They mocked the lustre of the false faced moon.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
April 16th. - 21st. 2015.
For J P.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Listening to Scriabin`s Reverie. (Revised).

Burdened with sound
The air becomes dark, like the depths of the ocean,
Slow waves moving overhead.

The audience sways gently to the moods of the music,
A tight packed shoal tugged at by currents
Stronger than muscle or mind.

This, perhaps, is a type of ecstasy,
Not religious, but purely physical,
Weighted down to time and space
Like the extreme emotions of love.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
19th. - 20th. April 2015.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Two Poems. Night Vision. (21st. Century Medea). Christmas Eve - Fermanagh. (Revised).

Night Vision. (21st. Century Medea}.


Every night I dream how sad you are

Crying into your pillow
But afraid to pick up the phone


Tawny hair shielding downcast eyes
like a curtain
When you kissed me

But now the mask is in place
And nowt that I do can shift it


I am reminded of that portrait of Germaine Tailleferre
Wearing a small French beret

But the style does not suit you

You seem to be hiding from life
Seem to be always in mourning


Once you were not so shy
Once you were full of laughter

Your dress bunched up for a pillow
The damp hay in your hair
Dark eyes shining brightly


Do you still write home to the children?

Do you still mention my name?

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
15th. April 2015.


Christmas Eve - Fermanagh. (New Version).

There are no bright colours here -
The sky - pale as a shroud
Soaked in tears -
The sun - a dim white eye
Half closed among vast clouds.

The bone thin winter trees
Reach up like gnarled hands
Pleading -
Old saints desperate in prayer
Their faith undying -
Their epoch slowly fading.-
The blank horizon pressing down
Onto an ancient landscape
Haunted by a thin pale moon.

The hills are full of ghosts -
Dumb echoes of time past -
Dark tales of abject poverty.-
Clouds spread wide like canvas sails
That once drove famine ships.

Awaiting their congregations
The grey stone village churches
Stand like border forts -
Gaunt symbols of partition. -
I was not born here -
But I might as well have been.-
I am at home in a frontier landscape
Where nothing is fixed or certain.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 24th. - 25th. - 30th. December 2014.
January 2nd. - April 16th. 2015. 
Edited and revised May 21st. 2015. - March 19th. 2016.

Impressions noted down in Enniskillen and Belcoo.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Two Bitter Songs from January 1981. (Revised).


Song - You Need a Guru.

Your body is young
But your mind much younger;
You hide in the dark
Like a child below stairs.
You cannot share dreams,
nor talk to a stranger,
Your life is a nightmare of uncontrolled fears.
Who are you?
How could I talk to you?
How open up to you?
How tune into you?
You need a Guru
To unplug your ears.

Today I accept you,
But tomorrow I`ll fear you
Because when I touch you
You break into tears.
You refuse to have friends in the house for a party,
But speed off to a rave
and crash all the gears!
What can I do for you?
How can I break through to you?
Perhaps make love to you?
Find the truth of you?
You need a Guru
To unplug your ears.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
18th. January 1981.
Revised 13th. April 2015. - 15th. February 2020.



Song - You are a Plastic Person.

You never give, You only take;
You never buy, You only steal;
You have never touched a raw nerve
Because you cannot feel.
You have never seen the difference
Between the abstract and the real,
I cannot name a single day
When you cooked a decent meal;
You are a Plastic Person
That`s all you are,
You are a Plastic Person
It will not get you very far.

You never love. You only hate;
You never talk, You only scream;
You are like a shadow puppet
Dancing on a paper screen;
You sit beside your bed all day
Jingling your tambourine;
You never give an inch of space
But always hog the scene;
You are a Plastic Person
That`s all you are,
You are a Plastic Person
It will not get you very far.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 23rd. 1981. - February 23rd. 2013.
October 24th. 2014. - April 2nd. 2015.
February 15th. 2020.
First written during the prolonged break up of an always difficult relationship. I was taken to the very edge of a nervous breakdown and these two songs represent how I felt at the time. I do not like them but they are painfully honest.

Broken Jug / The Rose.