Thursday, 31 October 2024

With you not here beside me. A New Poem Revised.

With you not here beside me 
Life seems a near blank page
With only a comma on it.
A solitary smudge of ink
Where words should build cathedrals
Of joy - of hope - of love.

With you not here beside me
Thoughts do not make sense, 
Sentences fall apart and quickly perish
Before the pen has even touched the paper.
Time itself a parody of order
As all that makes life good falls apart.

With you not here beside me I grow mute,
We need our partnership to give words meaning.
The moment I hear your voice outside my window
My head is thronged with poems as I rush to the door.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 31st, October 2024.

My head is thronged with poems like a forest with birds.

The Missing Piece.


Thursday, 3 October 2024

Dried Lavender. (Poem).Now Corrected.

I sprinkle a handful of summer into the drawer,
Dried lavender stalks to quell rogue Carpet Moths
That last April ate a whole Tweed jacket
Then ripped into my favourite woolen waistcoat,
Pucker wool sheared close from mountain sheep.

These moths, the most intrusive of my neighbours,
Forensic activists for the immoral majority,
Fascistic to the core,
They break and enter, thieves employing darkness
To wreck beauty with a Puritan`s zeal.
Strange that beauty can also thwart their mayhem.

Lavender is the loveliest plant in my garden.
This July just passed was a time for love and hope.
A time for new beginnings, for mending what was broken;
For lighting up dark rooms with my garden`s riches.
This handful of summer is the perfume of memory.

To safeguard all my yesterdays I fill the house with flowers.
More perfectly than man made things they brighten up my life.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
2nd. - 3rd. October 2024.

Order and Destruction.