Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Apple Tree.( Completely Re-Written Poem).

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Apple Tree.( Completely Re-Written Poem).: The scent of Buddha in the morning mist. Drops of Christ`s Blood spilt on tarmac. When the traffic stops the dawn chorus has a say. This App...

Trevor J Potter's Art: Rapunzel Reads the I Ching.

Trevor J Potter's Art: Rapunzel Reads the I Ching.: That girl who threw a fistful of square white stones Every morning early To read the I Ching before her aunt awoke, Demanding toast with hon...

Sunday, 26 May 2024

Saturday, 25 May 2024

The Time For Change is Dawning..

My generation rejoiced when National Service was abolished.
Our new freedoms brought forth great things, 
The Beatles,
The Rolling Stones,
The World rejoiced,
But the Tories shook with fear,
We were the true progressives,
They were simply small beer.
Now they want to bring back captivity for the young,
Crush their natural creativity, enslave them to the state.
"A spell in the army will do you good my son,
Rejoice, you may be shot for king and country."
We danced in the streets for the opposite point of view.

Because we`re now old you expect us to vote true blue,
To have our revenge on the young for being young,
Keeping them in order,
Locking them out of the sun;
Crushing their high ideals because they are vivid and new,
Out dazzling the lies you spout to keep us under your thumb.
Sorry Mr. Sunak we cannot forget the joy
Of that wonderful flowering of freedom
When the dread of National Service was shoved into oblivion,
And instantly we were cured of an insidious cruel depression.
Sorry Mr. Sunak we must protect our children`s freedom.
Save them from the likes of you.

We made mistakes, Oh Boy did we make mistakes -
We dropped acid and danced `til the sky turned red;
Then traveled-four in a taxi-to the nearest floor or bed.
But just you think of the great art we created,
The poems-the paintings-the music-
The books you have never read
Because they might give you a spasm
And unlock the cells in your head.
Strange to think that you also are unfree.

So No I aint going to vote for you Mr. Sunak,
Its time to break loose from your Lunatic Asylum
Your septic Isle drained of love and compassion,
Your shadowy Isle of the Dead.
The key is in our intellects. -  The key to liberty.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
May 26th. - 27th.- 28th.2024.

Friday, 17 May 2024

Trevor J Potter's Art: Fly Past.

Trevor J Potter's Art: Fly Past.: I welcome this fly buzzing over my food. Someone brand new has entered my home, A perfect stranger from a miniscule world Unrestricted b...

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Trevor J Potter's Art: Tussy. .

Trevor J Potter's Art: Tussy. .: Tussy was not buried, Not swaddled by black earth Evolving into hillocks and                         dark hollows Gradually, season by ...

Trevor J Potter's Art: Bolero.

Trevor J Potter's Art: Bolero.: Invoking the bull The dancer becomes the bull as she dances And yet remains entirely woman Even though the bull Has entered every nerve...

Thursday, 2 May 2024

Hope and CHAOS.(Words and Pictures).


It has been very hard living in England over the past fourteen years as a democrat, a socialist, a Buddhist, a devotee of the Sermon on the Mount, it has almost been impossible to breathe.  But I have not compromised my moral integrity to my knowledge , and have quietly studied and worked towards securing better times. It is now time to put people with intelligence and integrity into the Westminster Parliament, and remove the corrupt racist and anti European liars forever.

Order and Destruction.